Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am officially finished with graduate school. I sent the final drafts of my teacher work sample and portfolio off today. I had my exit interview on Monday and it went extremely well. In fact, my professor wants a copy of my portfolio!! So, I am now done and am so relaxed. I slept the best I have slept in almost 2 years Monday night. While I have been busy with other stuff this week, I am not stressed about anything.

The best part about being finished was getting to return to choir practice. I had to take a break while in school because it was simply too much. But, I can't wait for Sunday and the awesome new version of "Joy to the World" by Chris Tomlin. Go listen to it, its great! Then Sunday night, Sonic Flood is in concert at my church. All in all, a good weekend!!! Then only one more week of school and 4 of those 5 days are half days!!!!!

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