Saturday, December 5, 2009

Life after Grad School

Yes, there is life after Graduate School. I am discovering that this weekend. I am the most relaxed I have been in two years thanks to being finished. I am so glad I presented on the first night and only have to sit in class for attendence purposes on Monday night. I am not even worried about my interview.

Yesterday I went to the local library, which I love by the way, and got a tote full of books to read. I am able to read as long and as much as I want without feeling guilty. My list of books I want to read is EXTREMELY long. After sleeping in a bit this morning, mom and I headed out into the frigid cold, yes 38 degrees in central Georgia is considered frigid. We had tons of errands to run since we are helping host a wedding shower on Thursday at school for one of our teachers. Had to get last minute things. Then, I managed to get some Christmas shopping done, mom you will love your gift I got today!!! Then, it was Wal-mart on a Saturday afternoon, not really my idea of fun. But, got it accomplished. After a stop at home to drop off packages, I went to mom and dads for dinner and to help put up the new Christmas tree. Mom got a pre lit tree this year and it only took one an a half hours to put up TOTALLY. No more day long process!!!!! Its really pretty, but will take some getting used to a smaller tree. Tomorrow is church and the conclusion of a restful weekend. Two more weeks and school is out for Christmas!!!

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