Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So I bought it...

I went by the house tonight to leave something in the mailbox for the real estate agent and the seller's agent has put a pending sale sign up. Of course, it was dark so I could not take a picture. I went and signed part of my life away today with my mortgage person. Major Prayer Request is that rates do not go up. The market goes crazy whenever our President opens his mouth, so we are praying rates stay the same or even go down. Right now I am at under 5 but can't lock in until at least Monday.

The inspection went ok. There is nothing to run from and not buy the house, but there are some things like cracked floor joices under the house that need to be taken care of. The inspector said that for its age, built in 1946, that its in great shape. Yesterday while I was waiting for him to finish up, I was mentally placing furniture in the rooms and deciding where all the stuff in my kitchen will go. I was also planning landscaping since I will have a nice front AND back yard.

Its crazy to think, but in 49 days, this house will legally be MINE!!!!! I can't wait!!

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